On 9/24/2007 10:48 AM, Li, Yan (IED) wrote:> Hi all,
> I'd like to make a 3D plot with dates on one of the axes. For example,
> date1 <- as.Date("2007-01-25") + seq(10)
> y <- seq(10)
> z <- seq(10)
> I want to plot date1 on one axis, y on the other, and z as the height,
> with the points connected.
> Any help would be highly appreciated!
plot3d(date1,y,z, type='l',axes=F)
xlabs <- date1[c(2,5,8)] # or some other way to get pretty dates
axes3d(xat=xlabs, xlab=as.character(xlabs))
Duncan Murdoch