Dear Friends, I have been trying to learn how to use the derivative free optimization algorithms implemented in the package RGENOUD by Mebane and Sekhon. However, it does not seem to work for reasons best described as my total ignorance. If anybody has experience using this package, it would be really helpful if you can point out where I'm making a mistake. Thanks in advance Anup Sample code attached library(rgenoud) nobs <- 5000 t.beta <- c(0,1,-1) X <- as.matrix(cbind(rep(1, nobs), runif(nobs), runif(nobs))) # Creating the design matrix prodterm <- (X%*%t.beta)+rnorm(nrow(X)) Y <- as.matrix(ifelse(prodterm<0, 0, 1)) # Defining the likelihood function <- function(beta, Y, X) { term1 <- pnorm(X%*%beta) term2 <- 1-term1 loglik <- (sum(Y*log(term1))+sum((1-Y)*log(term2))) # Likelihood function to be maximized } stval <- c(0,0,0) opt.output <- optim(stval,,Y=Y[,1], X=X[,1:3], hessian=T, method="BFGS", control=c(fnscale=-1,trace=1)) opt.output ### Now using GENOUD gives me errors genoud.output <- genoud(,beta=stval,X=X[,1:3], Y=Y[,1], nvars=3, pop.size=3000, max=TRUE) --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]