I cant't seem to get npmc to make a comparison to a control level
>summary(npmc(brain), type="BF", control=1)
group.index class.level nobs
c 1 c 30
l 2 l 30
r 3 r 30
$`Results of the multiple Behrens-Fisher-Test`
cmp effect lower.cl upper.cl p.value.1s p.value.2s
1 1-2 0.6433333 0.4610459 0.8256208 0.08595894 0.14750647
2 1-3 0.4444444 0.2576352 0.6312537 0.99636221 0.75376639
3 2-3 0.3283333 0.1602449 0.4964218 1.00000000 0.04476692
What elementary error am I making.