ivan.borozan at utoronto.ca
2007-Aug-03 21:46 UTC
[R] a mixed effects model with collinear parameters.
Hi all, I have the following unbalanced data set : F1<-rep("F1",29) F2<-rep("F2",83) F3<-rep("F3",18) F4<-rep("F4",11) F5<-rep("F5",25) F6<-rep("F6",10) all.fac<-c(F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6) batch1<-rep("B1",29) batch2<-rep("B2",83) batch3<-rep("B2",18) batch4<-rep("B1",11) batch5<-rep("B2",25) batch6<-rep("B2",10) batch<-c(batch1,batch2,batch3,batch4,batch5,batch6) sample0[batch == "B1"]<-rnorm(length(sample0[batch == "B1"]),5,1) sample0[batch == "B2"]<-rnorm(length(sample0[batch == "B2"]),2,1) dataA <- data.frame(samples = sample0, batches=factor(batch), soil=factor(all.fac)) dataA$soil <- relevel(dataA$soil,ref="F2") X<-matrix XX<-t(X)%*%X solve(XX) Error in solve.default(XX) : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 3.74708e-18 Meaning there is collinearity between predictors. (F1 and B1) and (F4 and B1) I have tried a mixed effects model.> amod <- lme(fixed = samples ~ soil, random = ~ 1|batches, dataA, method="ML") > summary(amod)Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood Data: dataA AIC BIC logLik 507.0955 532.4594 -245.5478 Random effects: Formula: ~1 | batches (Intercept) Residual StdDev: 2.02532e-05 0.9764997 Fixed effects: samples ~ soil Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value (Intercept) 2.1540927 0.1090599 169 19.751470 0.0000 soilF1 3.1223796 0.2143260 169 14.568363 0.0000 soilF3 -0.2070161 0.2583386 169 -0.801336 0.4241 soilF4 2.7412508 0.3188104 169 8.598372 0.0000 soilF5 -0.1668292 0.2266767 169 -0.735979 0.4628 soilF6 -0.2522510 0.3325879 169 -0.758449 0.4492 Correlation: (Intr) soilF1 soilF3 soilF4 soilF5 soilF1 -0.509 soilF3 -0.422 0.215 soilF4 -0.342 0.174 0.144 soilF5 -0.481 0.245 0.203 0.165 soilF6 -0.328 0.167 0.138 0.112 0.158 Standardized Within-Group Residuals: Min Q1 Med Q3 Max -3.02335670 -0.59885469 0.03137624 0.65601671 3.71106690 Number of Observations: 176 Number of Groups: 2> ranef(amod)(Intercept) B1 5.944455e-23 B2 1.795242e-23 The fixed effects part seems to be right, should I just ignore the random effects part ?