Dear all, To modelize the abundance of fish (4 classes) with a set of environmental variables, I used the polr and predict.polr functions. I would like to know how to bring the cumulated probabilities back to a discrete ordinal scale. For the moment I used the predict.polr function with the argument "class". Is there an other way? polrf <- polrf <- polr_mod(formula = acipenser_gueldenstaedtii ~ Long + poly(Surf, 2, raw = TRUE) + poly(TempSum, 2, raw = TRUE) , data = mydata, method = "logistic", Hess = TRUE, na.action = na.omit) pred1 <- predict.polr(polrf, newdata = mydata2, type = "class") predict.polr <- function(object, newdata, type=c("class","probs"), ...) { if(!inherits(object, "polr")) stop("Not a polr fit") type <- match.arg(type) if(missing(newdata)) Y <- object$fitted else { newdata <- Terms <- delete.response(object$terms) m <- model.frame(Terms, newdata, na.action = function(x) x) X <- model.matrix(Terms, m, contrasts = object$contrasts) xint <- match("(Intercept)", dimnames(X)[[2]], nomatch=0) if(xint > 0) X <- X[, -xint, drop=F] n <- nrow(X) q <- length(object$zeta) eta <- drop(X %*% object$coef) cumpr <- matrix(plogis(matrix(object$zeta, n, q, byrow=T) - eta), , q) Y <- t(apply(cumpr, 1, function(x) diff(c(0, x, 1)))) dimnames(Y) <- list(dimnames(X)[[1]], object$lev) } if(!is.null(object$na.action)) Y <- napredict(object$na.action, Y) switch(type, class={ Y <- factor(max.col(Y), levels=seq(along=object$lev), labels=object$lev) }, probs={}) drop(Y) } Thank you. Géraldine LASSALLE Cemagref Unité Ecosystèmes estuariens et Poissons migrateurs amphihalins 50 avenue de Verdun 33612 Gazinet-Cestas Tel: Fax: [[alternative HTML version deleted]]