On 6/27/07, Afshartous, David <afshart at exchange.sba.miami.edu>
wrote:> All,
> Is there are a simple way to plot multiple xyplots on the same page
> in the code below (it currently overwrites the first plot w/ the
> second).
> I searched the archives and saw a similar question but the answer
> seem to work.
> thanks
> dave
> x1 = rnorm(10)
> x2 = rnorm (10)
> y1 = rnorm(10)
> y2 = rnorm (10)
> op = par(mfrow = c(2,1))
> xyplot(y1 ~ x1)
> xyplot(y2 ~ x2)
See help(print.trellis), which has examples.