Hi you all, I need some help, as i'm a begginer using R. I have two objects in my data.frame, named "homens" e "mulheres" (male and female observations). For each of them, I have the log-hourly wages (called logsalh). I have to create a new variable of earnings which is the log- hourly wage weighted by a other column (called "pesop"), that is in each data.frame (for men and women). I've tried this commands, but it failed: logsalhpm <-transform(mulheres$logsalh mulheres$pesop, logsalhp=(mulheres$logsalh)*(mulheres$pesop)/sum(mulheres$pesop)) where "logsalp" is the name of the new variable of earnings, weighted. Could somenone please help me? Best wishes, Raquel [[alternative HTML version deleted]]