Hi everyone, it's been a while I've been trying to save a plot created via lattice:::xyplot if I have a file tst.R with the following code: y <- rnorm(100) x <- rnorm(100) z <- sample(letters[1:4], 100, rep=T) library(lattice) bitmap("tst.png") xyplot(y~x|z) dev.off() and I source it, I get the tst.png file, which is a blank page. If I copy and paste instead, I get the correct plot. Any suggestion? Thank you very much, b > sessionInfo() R version 2.5.0 (2007-04-23) x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu locale: LC_CTYPE=en_US.iso885915;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=en_US.iso885915;LC_COLLATE =en_US.iso885915;LC_MONETARY=en_US.iso885915;LC_MESSAGES=en_US.iso885915 ;LC_PAPER=en_US.iso885915;LC_NAME=C;LC_ADDRESS=C;LC_TELEPHONE=C;LC_MEASU REMENT=en_US.iso885915;LC_IDENTIFICATION=C attached base packages: [1] "stats" "graphics" "grDevices" "utils" "datasets" "methods" [7] "base" other attached packages: lattice "0.15-4"
On 6/15/07, Benilton Carvalho <bcarvalh at jhsph.edu> wrote:> Hi everyone, > > it's been a while I've been trying to save a plot created via > lattice:::xyplot > > if I have a file tst.R with the following code: > > y <- rnorm(100) > x <- rnorm(100) > z <- sample(letters[1:4], 100, rep=T) > library(lattice) > bitmap("tst.png") > xyplot(y~x|z) > dev.off() > > and I source it, I get the tst.png file, which is a blank page. > > If I copy and paste instead, I get the correct plot. > > Any suggestion?Use source(..., echo = TRUE) -Deepayan