Theis, Winfried
2007-Jun-14 12:50 UTC
[R] nlsList problems: control option does not effect output and strange environment search
Dear R-helpers, I'm using R 2.5.0 under Windows and am trying to use nlsList from nlme 3.1-80 with the selfstart function for the four parametric logistic function. My first test went well, but now I'm trying to do some more sophisticated things and it does not work anymore. I simulate my data from a five parametric logistic function like this: Y<,1,function(x){ Y<-x[1]+(x[2]/(1+x[3]*exp(-1*x[4]*(1:240-x[5])))^(1/x[3]))+rnorm(240,0,s derror) return(Y)})) params contains different parameters for 200 persons in 4 groups. Next I sample for each person five observations one at the start, one at the end and three randomly in between. Now I get the following error messages: testnlslist2<-nlsList(SSfpl,groupedData(Y~Time|group, datset)) Error in nls(y ~ cbind(1, 1/(1 + exp((xmid - x)/exp(lscal)))), data xy, : step factor 0.000488281 reduced below 'minFactor' of 0.000976562 Error in nls(formula = formula, data = data, control = control) : singular gradient For the first error it could be that this is due to the fact that this group is simulated as a kind of placebo and therefore it may be hard to fit. To solve this I tried to specify controls like this: testnlslist2<-nlsList(SSfpl,groupedData(Y~Time|group, datset),control=nls.control(minFactor=1/4096)) but it led to the same error as the first. So it looks like the control parameter is not evaluated. Any other ideas how to get the function running? The second strange thing I encountered is that nlsList does not seem to analyse the environment from which it is called. I did try to use it within a function in apply and I got the error that the dataset I gave was not found, but the function worked well within the function. Any idea what I could have done wrong? Regards, Winfried Theis