To clarify my question:
When I launch the odfWeave function in the R console,
I see the several maps in the R graphic window, but I cannot open the
output file .odt
I get the following error:
format error in the subdocument content.xml position 123,82 (row,col)
Laurence Amilhat a ?crit :> Hello R users,
> I found the odfWeave package to create an odf document. It seems to be a
> very nice tool.
> So i tried to used it to create a report with multiple plot:
> I create an odt file with some code inside:
> I connect to a mysql database
> I get a list of projects
> foreach project I would like to make a plot (a map exactly)
> then in a R console I use the odfweave (inFile, outFile) function.
> When I try this, with only one program without the loop on the program
> names, it
> draw a map on my odt file, but when i a m doing the loop it doesn't
> When i try to launch the plot (using the loop) in R console directly,
> without odfweave, it also works.
> Do you know if it is possible to make successive plot in odfWeave document?
> Thank you for your help,
> Laurence.
> Here the code:
> My odt file: test2.odt
> <<loadData, results = hide, echo = FALSE>>>
> @
> <<Connection, echo = FALSE, fig = TRUE>>>
> library("RMySQL")
> library(maps)
> library(mapdata)
> library(spmaps)
> library(grid)
> library(plotrix)
> drv <- dbDriver("MySQL")
> con <- dbConnect(drv, user="lamilhat",
> dbname="Aquagenome", host="mymachine.toulouse.inra.fr")
> @
> Liste des projets:
> <<carte2, echo = FALSE, results= verbatim, fig = TRUE>>>
> lp <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT nom FROM projets")
> projets <- fetch(lp)
> nbr=dim(projets)[1]
> for (i in 1:nbr)
> {
> monprojet=(projets)[i,1]
> myquery=paste("SELECT s.longitude, s.latitude, o.orgashort FROM
> organisme o JOIN scientist s ON o.codeorga=s.codeorga JOIN partenaire p
> ON p.codescientist=s.codescientist JOIN projets ON
> projets.codeproj=p.codeproj WHERE projets.nom LIKE
> ORDER BY s.longitude", sep="")
> rs <- dbSendQuery(con, myquery )
> df <- fetch(rs)
> print(df)
> map(database="world", xlim=c(-15,40),ylim=c(27,71),
> col="#FFFFCC")
> points(df$longitude,df$latitude, col="red", pch=16)
> border=TRUE, cex=0.8, xpad=0.5, ypad=0.8, font=6)
> }
> @
> Then in the R console:
> >library (odfWeave)
> >inFile <-
> >outFile <-
> "/home/lamilhat/AQUAGENOME/PRESENTATION/RAPPORTS/test_2_out.odt"
> >imageDefs <- getImageDefs()
> >imageDefs$dispWidth <- 7
> >imageDefs$dispHeight <- 6
> >setImageDefs(imageDefs)
> >odfWeave(inFile, outFile)
==================================================================== Laurence
Amilhat INRA Toulouse 31326 Castanet-Tolosan =
= Tel: 33 5 61 28 53 34 Email: laurence.amilhat at toulouse.inra.fr =