Schmitt, Corinna wrote:> Dear R-experts,
> I have the following function:
> userInput <- function() {
> ANSWER <- readline("saving place of the data (example
> Z:/Software/test.mat)? ")
> x = c(".mat")
> endingTest = x %in% ANSWER
> print (endingTest)
> if (endingTest == "??")
> cat ("saving place not accepted\n")
> else
> cat("Thank you! The current workspace will be stored in:
> ",ANSWER,"\n\n")
> print(ANSWER )
> }
> filename = userInput()
userInput <- function(){
ANSWER <- readline("saving place of the data (example
endingTest <- length(grep("\\.mat$", ANSWER))
cat("saving place not accepted\n")
cat("Thank you! The current workspace will be stored in:",
ANSWER, "\n\n")
filename <- userInput()
Uwe Ligges
> Before I enter the if loop I must test if the text stored in ANSWER has
> the pattern ".mat". If yes than endingTest = TRUE else endingTest
> Another problem is the last codeline. Later on in my program I need the
> userinput to ad it to another variable. How can I manage this. I get the
> following error message:
> saving place of the data (example Z:/Software/test.mat)? Z:/data.mat
> [1] FALSE
> Thank you! The current workspace will be stored in: Z:/data.mat
> [1] "Z:/data.mat"
> Error in as.vector(x, mode) : cannot change into vector
> Thanks, Corinna
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