I have a couple if issues with the code below. 1. as.Table=TRUE has no effect 2. the minor tick marks on top of the top panels are drawn in the strips and not on the axes. Any ideas what's wrong? There are probably better ways to add minor tick marks... Thanks for any help. Rene -------------------------------- library(lattice) Subj <- paste("Subj", rep(1:4,each=3)) Time <- rep(1:3,4) + 0.1 Conc <- (1:12) + 0.1 df <- data.frame(Subj,Time,Conc) xScale <- 1:3 yScale <- list(1:3,4:6,7:9,10:12) xMinorTicks <- seq(0.5,2.5,0.5) xyplot(Conc ~ Time | Subj, data = df, layout = c(2,2), type="b", as.Table=TRUE, scales=list( x=list(at=xScale), y=list(at=yScale,relation="free"), alternating=3 ), panel = function(x,y,...) { panel.abline(h=yScale[[panel.number()]], v=xScale, col.line="gray") panel.xyplot(x,y,...) } ) # Add minor tick marks on bottom or top for (coli in 1:2) { for (rowi in 1:2) { trellis.focus(name="panel", column=coli, row=rowi, clip.off = TRUE) panel.axis(ifelse(rowi==1,"bottom","top"), check.overlap = TRUE, outside = TRUE, labels = FALSE, tck = .5, at = xMinorTicks) trellis.unfocus() } }