On Tue, 20 Feb 2007, Steven Finch wrote:
> Hello!
> I written several implementations in R of R?my's algorithm for
> generating random ordered strictly binary trees on 2n+1 vertices.
> One implementation involves manufacturing character strings like:
> "X <- list(0,list(0,0))"
> for the case n=2. If I perform the following two steps:
> cmd <- "X <- list(0,list(0,0))"
> eval(parse(text=cmd))
> then X becomes a true nested list in R. This works fine for n=2,
> but often for n=200, an error message:
> Error in parse(text = cmd) : contextstack overflow
> appears and execution stops. Clearly there exists an upper bound
> on the allowable depth of nestings in R! Can this upper bound be
> easily increased?
It is hardcoded (as 50) in 6 places in gram.c, so fairly easily changed.
> Other implementations avoid this problem, so this issue is not
> crucial to me. I do wish, however, to understand the limits of
> this particular approach. Thank you!
> Steve Finch
> http://algo.inria.fr/bsolve/
> P.S. If anyone else has written R code for generating random
> trees (on a fixed number of vertices), I would enjoy seeing this!
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Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
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