Dear all, I want to evaluate a full-factorial linear mixed model with two fixed factors (S, T) and a random factor (TM. I have tried to do the model in lmer but at the moment this function do not provide for the F and p-values of the fixed factors. I tried: lmer (Arc~S*T*(1|TM), data=b, I also tried to do it in lme (nlme package). I do not have grouping factors in my models, so I do not really know if that it is correct. In any case, I cannot find the way to include the interactions between fixed and random factors using this type of models. Someone suggested me to use glmmML but seems to be implementing for poisson and binomial model (mine is a Gaussian model). I tried: lme (ArcP~S*T, data=b, ~1|TIME) So, please can anybody tell me which one if the correct way/package to do it? Moreover, in case anybody can help me, is it possible to get the p-value calculated thru bootstrapping? Thank you very much for your help in advance, Adela -- Adela Gonz?lez Meg?as Depto. Biolog?a Animal Fac. Ciencias Universidad de Granada 18071 Granada Spain