For the case someone is interested in it, here it is the solution
somebody suggested me: to use a list.
imp <- vector("list", 100)
imp[[1]] <- im[1:500,]
names(imp[[1]]) => the list of labels of imp[1:500,]
Federico Abascal wrote:> Dear all,
> it is likely a stupid question but I cannot solve it.
> I want to have a matrix of 100 elements.
> Each element must be a vector of 500 elements.
> If I do:
> imp<-array(dim=100)
> imp[1]<-vector(length=500)
> it does not work. Warning message: "number of items to replace is not
> multiple of replacement length"
> If I do:
> imp <- array(dim=c(100,500))
> and then fill imp:
> for(i in c(1:500)) {
> imp[i,] <- im[1:500,]
> #im[1:500,] is a vector of length 500, of class numeric. IT
> }
> Now it works, but I loose the labels (names) associated to the original
> "im" variable.
> If I just do:
> j<- im[1:500,]
> I do not loose the labels.
> names(j) => list of labels
> names(imp[1,]) => NULL
> Any clue?
> Thanks in advance!
> Federico
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