Hi, we noticed there was a error in the "arules" package. After reading the source code, we saw that the Dice similarity index was "miscalculated" in "dissimilarity" function : an copy-paste from Jaccard Index was not corrected (2* a_b_c, ie 2*(a+b+c) in the code instead of 2*a +b + c !!!). After our mail to R-help (21/11/2006), we thought the authors could do something but I just try the function and the error is still there. I hope the authors will read my mail. Sincerely yours, Fred. -- Dr. Fr?d?ric Chiroleu Biom?tricien UMR 53 PVBMT (Peuplements V?g?taux et Bio-agresseurs en Milieu Tropical) CIRAD-AMIS P?le de Protection des Plantes (3P) Laboratoire d'?cologie Terrestre et de Lutte Int?gr?e (LETLI) 7, chemin de l'IRAT Ligne Paradis 97410 Saint-Pierre ?le de la R?union - France T?l. : 02 62 49 92 30 Standard : 02 62 49 92 00 Fax : 02 62 49 92 93 courriel : frederic.chiroleu at cirad.fr