On 12/15/06, RMan54 <RMan54 at cox.net> wrote:>
> Does anybody know how in xyplot to put the legend title on one line with
> legend? I can get the legend on one line with columns=... but the title is
> always on top. I tried a custom key with key=... and text=... but I
> put the title text in front of the plotting symbol.
> I am looking for the following layout of the legend, on one line:
> "Legend Title:" + plot symbol1 + legend text1 + plot symbol2 +
legend text2
> + ...
You can create a grob (grid object) representing this legend, or a
function that produces such a grob, and pass it to xyplot through the
'legend' argument (see ?xyplot). The 'key' argument essentially
controls one such built-in function, namely 'draw.key', which does not
support such legends.
Note however, that column types can be repeated in key, so you might
be able to fake such a legend. E.g.:
xyplot(1 ~ 1,
key list(text = list("title: ", font = 2),
points = list(pch = 1),
text = list("1"),
points = list(pch = 2),
text = list("2")))