Dear R users, Once working with fBasics, in particular lmacfPlot, for producing long memory autocorrelation plot, a log-log plot is generated when there is long memory in data, otherwise an ACF plot is generated which shows no autocorrelation. A problem occures when we want to build a group of plots using par( ). After running lmacfOlot, if there is no long memory, we receive only an ACF, and if any, we receive an ACF and a log-log plot of long memory in our par( ) as well. How can i control the plots generated by lmacfPlot so that: 1- just ACF be appeard in par ( ), or 2- just log-log plot be appeared in par ( ), or 3- both ACF and log-log be appeared in par ( ), in both cases of presenting and lack of long memory in data? The plots generated by lmacfPlot are not kind of interactive. Thank you so much for help, Amir --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]