Dear Simon,
It's hard to tell without the data and more information about the nature of
the variables, but I suspect that the program is running into numerical
difficulties because of a flat likelihood at the maximum. Is age2 by any
chance age^2? How is year (in either form) related to age?
I hope this helps,
John Fox
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario
Canada L8S 4M4
> -----Original Message-----
> From: r-help-bounces at
> [mailto:r-help-bounces at] On Behalf Of Simon P. Kempf
> Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 3:30 AM
> To: r-help at
> Subject: [R] Box Tidwell / Error Message
> Dear R-Users,
> I used the box.tidwell () function of the car Package.
> When I used the following formula:
><-box.tidwell(RENT_LG ~
> I(age+1)+I(age2+1)+X06A
> + I(X08B+1) + I(X22+1) + I(X24+1) + X31A, ~B_YEAR + C_X01 + C_X14 +
> + C_X19 +
> C_X29A +C_X21 + C_X23 + D_X12 + D_X17 + D_X18 + D_X25 + D_X27
> + D_X30 +
> D_X32 + D_X35, data =
> everything is fine.
> However, when I replaced the time dummy variable:
><-box.tidwell(RENT_LG ~
> I(age+1)+I(age2+1)+X06A
> + I(X08B+1) + I(X22+1) + I(X24+1) + X31A, ~B_HALF + C_X01 + C_X14 +
> + C_X19 +
> C_X29A +C_X21 + C_X23 + D_X12 + D_X17 + D_X18 + D_X25 + D_X27
> + D_X30 +
> D_X32 + D_X35, data =
> I get the following error message:
> Error in, y, offset = offset, singular.ok =
> singular.ok, ...) :
> NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 1)
> When I use the following formula (I deleted the I(age2+1) term):
><-box.tidwell(RENT_LG ~ I(age+1)+X06A +
> I(X08B+1) + I(X22+1) + I(X24+1) + X31A, ~B_HALF + C_X01 +
> C_X14 + C_X19 + C_X29A +C_X21 + C_X23 + D_X12 + D_X17 + D_X18
> + D_X25 + D_X27 + D_X30 +
> D_X32 + D_X35, data =
> It works.
> Some background information:
> - The formula with the predictors to be transformed
> contains only
> variables which are >0.
> - The data set does not have any missing values
> - B_YEAR is a factor with 10 levels
> - B_HALF is a factor with 20 levels
> - The data set contains more than 19000 observations.
> Now, I am bit confused. Why does the function works when I
> use B_YEAR respecitvely why does it work with B_HALF when I
> delete I(age2+1)
> Thanks in advance,
> Simon
> Simon P. Kempf
> Dipl.-Kfm. MScRE Immobilienvkonom (ebs)
> Wissenschaftlicher Assistent
> B|ro:
> IREBS Immobilienakademie
> c/o ebs Immobilienakademie GmbH
> Berliner Str. 26a
> 13507 Berlin
> Privat:
> Dunckerstra_e 60
> 10439 Berlin
> Mobil: 0176 7002 6687
> Email: <mailto:simon.kempf at> simon.kempf at
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