R2WinBUGS users, I'm getting the error message "monitor could not be set" when I try to monitor (and output to R) a response variable that includes missing data (NAs)...ie.e imputing for y. Setting monitors for other parameters works OK and running the R-generated WinBUGS script file in WinBUGS, also works OK. Below is my R code and the log.txt file output by R2WinBUGS. As I want to run this model 100+ times, i'd prefer to write some looping code rather than cut and paste 100 times..can anyone help? thanks doug R-code: bayesimp.sim <- bugs(data, inits, parameters,"bayesimp.bug", n.chains = 1, n.iter = 4000, bugs.directory = "c:/Program Files/WinBUGS14/", working.directory = NULL, clearWD = TRUE, debug = TRUE) script.txt: display ('log') check ('D:/Work/SpatialEpi/Water/THM Imputation/Rwork/bayesimp.txt') data ('D:/Work/SpatialEpi/Water/THM Imputation/Rwork/data.txt') compile (1) inits (1, 'D:/Work/SpatialEpi/Water/THM Imputation/Rwork/inits1.txt') gen.inits() thin.updater (2) update (1000) set (y) set (u) set (deviance) dic.set() update (1000) coda (*, 'D:/Work/SpatialEpi/Water/THM Imputation/Rwork/coda') stats (*) dic.stats() history (*, 'D:/Work/SpatialEpi/Water/THM Imputation/Rwork/history.odc') save ('D:/Work/SpatialEpi/Water/THM Imputation/Rwork/log.odc') save ('D:/Work/SpatialEpi/Water/THM Imputation/Rwork/log.txt') log.txt: display(log) check(D:/Work/SpatialEpi/Water/THM Imputation/Rwork/bayesimp.txt) model is syntactically correct data(D:/Work/SpatialEpi/Water/THM Imputation/Rwork/data.txt) data loaded compile(1) model compiled inits(1,D:/Work/SpatialEpi/Water/THM Imputation/Rwork/inits1.txt) this chain contains uninitialized variables gen.inits() initial values generated, model initialized thin.updater(2) update(1000) set(y) monitor could not be set set(u) set(deviance) dic.set() update(1000) coda(*,D:/Work/SpatialEpi/Water/THM Imputation/Rwork/coda) stats(*) This email and any files transmitted with it are confidentia...{{dropped}}