I only specified one of the variables and it worked fine since I was using
the subset command.
On 11/24/06, Farrel Buchinsky <fjbuch@gmail.com>
> I suspect the problem stems from the fact that there are a couple of NA
> values.
> > sunflowerplot(lastoto,maxear)
> Error in rep.int(i.multi, number[number > 1]) :
> invalid number of copies in rep.int()
> So I used the subset command to get rid of the cases with NA
> hell<-subset(ChinOtoMayB,is.na(lastoto)==FALSE)
> Then it worked perfectly
> sunflowerplot(hell$lastoto,hell$maxear)
> Is there a method with greater finesse to deal with NA values? In
> correlations one can state use="complete.obs"
> But that did not work in sunflowerplot
> --
> Farrel Buchinsky
Farrel Buchinsky
Mobile: (412) 779-1073
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