On 11/8/06, Marc Feuerstein <marc_feuerstein at yahoo.com>
wrote:> Hi everybody,
> I'm a new member of the list. I'm just starting to use R.
> I'm looking for information about stripcharts. I didn't find a lot
on the web. Outside
maths.lth.se/help/R/.R/library/graphics/html/stripchart.html there
isn't much I found.
> I'm trying to create three vertical stripcharts "glued" to
one another. I succeeded to create one stripchart with three strips, but I'm
missing the vertical bars between the strips. I need to see the three
> Any idea how I could do this, or a place on the web where I could find
advanced examples of stripchart code ?
Your description is a bit vague, but you might find the stripplot
function in the lattice package useful.