Friederike -
The program is doing exactly what you asked it to do, but please
notice that
creates a vector containing all the elements of the variance-covariance
matrix of schizo.matrix[x,], which is a 20000x150 matrix, giving a
variance-covariance matrix of 150x150 or 22500 elements. You then rank all
of the elements of this variance-covariance matrix, and ask for the
ones that are ranked higher than 10000, leaving 22500-10000=12500
elements. So now we should probably look at what you wanted to do:
x <- 1:20000
y <- 2:151
varprobe<-apply(schizo.matrix[x,],1,var) # calculate the variance of each
# reorder the rows of schizo.matrix to correspond to varprobe and
# select the top 10000
schizo.sub = schizo.matrix[order(varprobe,decreasing=TRUE),][1:10000,]
There are other ways of extracting the top 10000, but I think that this
shows how to calculate what you really want.
- Phil Spector
Statistical Computing Facility
Department of Statistics
UC Berkeley
spector at
On Fri, 3 Nov 2006, Friederike Barthel wrote:
> Dear List
> I am currently running a microarray analysis on the dataset schizo and
> like to filter out all genes with a low variance. However, when running the
> code detailed below, I end up with 12,500 genes in my final set rather than
> the 10,000 I was looking for. Can anyone pinpoint where I am going wrong?
> ***********reading in data**********
> schizo<-read.table("octassign_data.txt",header=T,
> dim(schizo)
> head(schizo)
> attach(schizo)
> ***********creating matrix and calculating variance across
> x<-c(1:20000)
> y<-c(2:151)
> schizo.matrix<-data.matrix(schizo[,y])
> varprobe<-c(var(schizo.matrix[x,]))
> hist(varprobe)
> **************filter out low variance*************
> top10000 <- which(rank(varprobe)>10000)
> schizo.sub<-schizo[top10000,]
>> dim(schizo.sub)
> [1] 12500 151
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