If the data asymptote at 0 and 1, then you can use glm with the
binomial family
with either the logistic or probit links. If the data are from an
forced choice procedure or if the data do not asymptote at 0 and 1 for
reason or other, then you need to try other procedures. Two
possibilities are to
use the PsychoFun package available here
and described in
Kuss, M., F. Jäkel and F.A. Wichmann: Bayesian inference for
psychometric functions. Journal of Vision 5(5), 478-492 (2005)
or tools from some of Jim Lindsey's packages, described here
Yssaad-Fesselier R, Knoblauch K. Modeling psychometric functions in R.
Behav Res Methods. 2006 Feb;38(1):28-41.
> Gamer, Matthias <gamer <at> uni-mainz.de> writes:
> > Specifically, I have data from a psychometric function relating the
> > frequency a subject's binary response (stimulus present / absent)
> the
> > strength of a physical stimulus. Such data is often modeled using a
> > cumulative gaussian function.
> Well, more often by a logistic function, and there are quite a few
> tools
> powerful for doings this around, for example glm, or lmer/lme4,
> glmmPQL/MASS,
> glmmML/glmmML . The latter three are the tools of choice when you have
> within
> subject repeats, as it's standard in psychophysics. See
> finzi.psych.upenn.edu/R/Rhelp02a/archive/33737.html for a
> comparison.
> If you really want a cumlative gaussian, you can misuse drfit/drfit,
> which is
> primarily for dose/response curves and ld50 determination. I think
> there is a
> fitdistr/MASS example around (somewhere in the budworms chapter), but
> I don't
> have the book at hand currently.
> Dieter
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