Using the builtin 11x8 anscombe data frame here are
some alternatives:
# 1
# list of 2x2 matrices
lapply(split(anscombe[1:4], 1:nrow(anscombe)), matrix, 2)
# 2
# 2x2x11 array
array(t(anscombe[1:4]), c(2, 2, nrow(anscombe)))
# 3
# to create matrix and perform calculations, e.g. det, all in one step
apply(anscombe[1:4], 1, function(x) det(matrix(x, 2)))
On 9/25/06, Damian Betebenner <damian.betebenner at>
wrote:> useRs,
> I have a data frame where four of the columns of the data frame represent
the values of a two-by-two
> matrix. I'd like to, row-by-row, go through the data frame and use the
four columns, in matrix form, to
> perform calculations necessary to create new values for variables in the
data frame. My first idea was to
> use apply:
> apply(as.array(data.frame[,1:4]), 1, matrix, nrow=2)
> Though intuitive, this doesn't work. I've stumbled in the dark with
mApply and other functions but can't
> find anything in the help that works. This can't be that hard, but it
has me stumped.
> Any help greatly appreciated,
> Damian
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