On Thu, 24 Aug 2006, Anne Katrin Heinrichs wrote:> metaplot:
> ---------
> Can I change the label size? I've got 126 values and the intersection
of the labels makes
> it impossible to read them.
Yes. metaplot() accepts the cex graphics parameter. This doesn't alter the
size of the summary text, so you might want to have no summlabel= and add
it on later.
> Why do I have to give sumse (Standard Error) and sumnn (Precision) of
> the summary estimate? I can calculate one from the other, right? Just to
> make sure I'm not misunderstanding something.
It's an oversight by the designer. metaplot() was basically designed to
be called from the plot methods for the meta. objects.
You might also want to look at forestplot(), which is more flexible. I
don't know how it copes with large numbers of intervals, but if it
it would be worth fixing.
> metaplot(CoeffVector, StdErrorVector, nn=NULL, labels=Name,
> xlab=paste(CoeffNames[j], CoefficientName[i]),
> ylab="Countries",
> xlim=NULL, summn=PostCoeffs[1,j], sumse=sqrt(PostVars[1,j]),
> sumnn=1/(PostVars[1,j]),
> summlabel="Summary",
> lwd=2, boxsize=1)
> meta.summaries
> --------------
> What does it mean, when I get the warning message that NaNs were produced
in "pchisq(q,
> df, lower.tail, log.p)"? Is there something wrong with my data (there
are no NAs in the
> data)?
> MetaAnalyse <- meta.summaries(CoeffVector,
> StdErrorVector,
> method = "random")
It means that NaNs were produced. You should be able to see where from
the output. It's hard to say more without more information.
Thomas Lumley Assoc. Professor, Biostatistics
tlumley at u.washington.edu University of Washington, Seattle