I have a plot like this, consisting of 18 different vioplots: (monospaced font) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- lab |16 | |13 | |10 | | 7 | | 4 | | 1 | ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- lab |17 | |14 | |11 | | 8 | | 5 | | 2 | ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- lab |18 | |15 | |12 | | 9 | | 6 | | 3 | ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- a b c d e f This I create in such a way that in the graph itself plot 1 appears in the top left corner, and plot 18 in the bottom right corner. I then flip it around when I show it in my paper (it was simpler to do it that way, this might change:)). I am now trying to make labels a to f, which are a set of numbers which are _local_ to each graph group. Now I would like these numbers to be either vertical to the axis (so that they are in normal text direction when the paper is rotated so that graphs 18-16 are on top), or possibly 45 degrees to the plot group. This is the way I create labels and such: plot.window(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) axis(2, at = at, labels=toptitle, tick=FALSE) if(!bottom) { if(!left){ # nothing > ok axis(1, at = at, labels = label, tick=FALSE) } else{ # not bottom, but left axis(1, at = at, labels = label, las=2) } } else{ text(lognumbers, par("usr")[3] - 0.25, srt = 135, adj = 1,labels = loglabels, xpd = TRUE) if(!left){ # bottom, but not left # want to replace this one with the text # axis(4, at = lognumbers, labels=loglabels, las=2) } else{ # bottom and left > not ok axis(1, at = at, labels = label, las=2) # want to replace this one with the text # axis(4, at = lognumbers, labels=loglabels, las=2) } } } In this sceme graphs 18-16 are defined as being left, whereas graphs 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 are defined as bottom. My question relates to my attemt to set nice-looking axis labels using text. When I put them on as they are shown here, they show up on (relative to image above) the left side of the "bottom" graphs. How do I get them to show up on the side I would like them to? Hope this was somewhat understandable...:) Karin -- Karin Lagesen, PhD student karin.lagesen at medisin.uio.no cmbn.no/rognes