I am quite new to R and although I have read some material
(apparently not enough) I'm getting very frustrated. I'm trying to do
some simple circular statistics in R (CircStats, primarily circ.mean)
and I'm confused about the results. What is a negative radian or
degree mean in R? I thought it would be a coterminal angle, but that
doesn't make sense with my data points. I'm sorry if this is trivial
to most of you, but I really appreciate any help.
I have tried to obtain the book this package was based on
(Jammalamadaka and SenGupta 2001 Topics in Circular Statistics) but
it is not available at any of my university libraries.
Here is an example. The values of "x" are directions in degrees of
one amphibian over 6 days and I'd just like to simply calculate the
mean direction:
> x <- c(5.009684,37.814266, 295.722970, 0.000000,
> radx <- rad(x)
> circ.mean(radx)
[1] -0.4283351
> deg(-0.4283351)
[1] -24.54179
I would just like this number to be converted to the appropriate
angle between 0-360 degrees. Can someone help me?
Isabelle Deguise
MSc candidate
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