I am using this code but the output is not totally black and white. The dots and lines are green and the panel labels are light green or tan. I need to adapt this code to get just black on a wight background. trellis.device(device=jpeg, file="C:/Documents and Settings/tables/figure2_March27b.jpg",theme=col.whitebg) print( xyplot(AWGT ~ log(pcb_80) | malex*romanix, data=pcb_graph3a, auto.key = list(lines = TRUE, points = TRUE), ylab="Birth Weight", xlab="log PCB", type=c("p", "smooth"), span=.8) ) dev.off() thanks -- Dean Sonneborn, MS Programmer Analyst Department of Public Health Sciences University of California, Davis (530) 754-9516 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]