Dear All, I am practicing with the image and wireframe (the latter in the lattice package) plotting tools. I am a bit puzzled by the colors I observe in some test plots I have been generating. Consider: rm(list=ls()) library(lattice) x <- seq(-2*pi, 2*pi, len = 100) y <- seq(-2*pi, 2*pi, len = 100) g <- expand.grid(x = x, y = y) mylen<-length(x) g$z <- exp(-(g$x^2 + g$y^2))+exp(-((g$x-2)^2 + (g$y-2)^2)) pdf("my-first-lattice-figure.pdf") print(wireframe(z ~ x * y, g, drape = TRUE,shade=TRUE,scales = list(arrows = FALSE),pretty=FALSE, aspect = c(1,1), colorkey = TRUE ,zoom=0.8, zlab = list("my radial function",rot = 90),distance=0.0,perspective=TRUE,screen = list(z = 150, x = -55,y= 0),ylim=range(c(-2*pi,2*pi)),xlim=range(c(-2*pi,2*pi)),zlim=range(c(0,1)))) Now, I should have two peaks corresponding to values slightly above 1 which should be cyan, whereas I see a different color. Furthermore, the "floor" of the function should correspond to about zero, so I would expect it to be light purple rather than dark red. Am I making any mistake with the options in the plotting? I suppose it all has to do with the shade argument, but using shade=FALSE leads to a very ugly-looking plot. Is it possible to overlap another function to the previous one? I am thinking about something like the "lines" command when I use "plot". Finally, when I create a plot using "image", is there a way to have a legenda of the values corresponding to each color (like the "colorkey" argument in wireframe)? Kind Regards Lorenzo