z.dalton at lancaster.ac.uk
2006-Jul-18 12:37 UTC
[R] Surv analysis with multiple internal time-dep covariates measured over different time intervals
Hi, I am analysing survival data (diagnosis time until death/cens) with time-dependent covariates. I would like to fit a cox model using the (start, stop] variable. In summary, I have the multiple internal time dependent covariates as follows; 1). LAS score (measured weekly on low risk patients, monthly on high risk) 2). EORTC score (measured monthly on low risk patients and every 3 months on high risk) 3). BMI (measured monthly on low risk patients and every 3 months on high risk) I have referred to the John Fox 'Cox Proportional-Hazards Regression for Survival Data' http://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/Fox-Companion/appendix-cox-regression.pdf and the corresponding script file at http://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/Fox-Companion/cox-regression.txt and also to Therneau and Grambsch. My problem is creating the dataset, possibly using the fold function (as described in Fox, p9) with more than one time-dependent covariate (which I successfully did with LAS). I have longitudinal measurements for each subject (with each date of assessment) as above with some missing data in a period of time before death (which I have entered as NA). Since the measurements in time depend on whether the patient is high or low risk and are made at different time intervals for each covariate, I wasn't sure how to code this in R. I would be really grateful if anyone could start me off on this. Thank you to those who respond. Zoe
Maybe Matching Threads
- counting process form of a cox model (cluster(id))?
- permutation test for linear models with continuous covariates
- comparing SAS and R survival analysis with time-dependent covariates
- select specific rows from regression output
- Fitting and plotting a coxph with survfit, package(surv)