Van Kerckhoven, Johan
2006-Jul-03 06:52 UTC
[R] Questions concerning function 'svm' in e1071 package
Greetings everyone, I have the following problem (illustrating R-code at bottom of mail): Given a training sample with binary outcomes (-1/+1), I train a linear Support Vector Machine to separate them. Afterwards, I compute the weight vector w in the usual way, and obtain the fitted values as w'x + b > 0 ==> yfitted = 1, otherwise -1. However, upon verifying with the 'predict' method, the outcomes do not match up as they should. I've already tried to find information concerning this issue on the R-help board, but to no avail. Can any of you point me in the right direction? Signed, Johan Van Kerckhoven ORSTAT and University Center of Statistics Katholieke Universiteit Leuven ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #initialization of the problem rm(list=ls()) library(e1071) set.seed(2) n = 50 d = 4 p = 0.5 x = matrix(rnorm(n*d), ncol=d) mushift = c(1, -1, rep(0, d-2)) y = runif(n) > p y = factor(2*y - 1) x = x - outer(rep(1, n), mushift) x[y == 1, ] = x[y == 1] + 2*outer(rep(1, sum(y == 1)), mushift) svclass = svm(x, y, scale=FALSE, kernel="linear") #Computation of the weight vector w = t(svclass$coefs) %*% svclass$SV if (y[1] == -1) { w = -w } #Derivation of predicted class lavels #Using method in documentation yfit = (x %*% t(w) + svclass$rho) > 0 yfit = factor(2*yfit - 1) #Extracting them directly from the model yfit2 = svclass$fitted #Display where predictions differ from each other yfit != yfit2 Disclaimer:
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