In the below code fragment, print(arg) always prints the last element of rekeningen$rekening. Is this because of lazy evaluation? I.e. arg is evaluated at the time the button is pressed? And, if so, how can I avoid this? I tried function() {force(arg); print(arg)} but that didn't work either. Thanks, Jeebee. for(rek in seq(1,nrow(rekeningen))) { arg <- rekeningen$rekening[rek] tkgrid(tkbutton(frame.1, text=paste("Saldo historie", arg), command=function() print(arg)), sticky="news") }
Peter Dalgaard
2006-Jun-30 20:24 UTC
[R] tkbutton command - how to know which button was clicked?
JeeBee <JeeBee at> writes:> In the below code fragment, print(arg) always prints the > last element of rekeningen$rekening. > Is this because of lazy evaluation? I.e. arg is evaluated at > the time the button is pressed?No and yes. Lazy evaluation has nothing to do with it, but the function passed to command= is not evaluated until the button is pressed. If you want a different "arg" variable for each button-function, you have to make sure that they have different environments or have the arg actually part of the function. There are various possible variations. One is mk.button <- function(arg) tkgrid(tkbutton(frame.1, text=paste("Saldo historie", arg), command=function() print(arg)), sticky="news") for .... { .... mk.button(arg) } another is to wrap a local({arg <- arg;.....}) around the tkgrid call in your code. A 3rd one is .....command=eval(substitute(function()print(arg)))...> And, if so, how can I avoid this? > I tried function() {force(arg); print(arg)} but that didn't work either. > > Thanks, > Jeebee. > > for(rek in seq(1,nrow(rekeningen))) { > arg <- rekeningen$rekening[rek] > > tkgrid(tkbutton(frame.1, > text=paste("Saldo historie", arg), > command=function() print(arg)), > sticky="news") > }-- O__ ---- Peter Dalgaard ?ster Farimagsgade 5, Entr.B c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics PO Box 2099, 1014 Cph. K (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen Denmark Ph: (+45) 35327918 ~~~~~~~~~~ - (p.dalgaard at FAX: (+45) 35327907