On Thu, 29 Jun 2006, Manoj wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am trying to work on writing the following piece of (pseudo)
> code in an optimal fashion:
> ----------------------------------------------------
> # Two data frames with some data
> a = data.frame(somedata)
> b = data.frame(somedata)
> for(i in 1:nrow(dt) {
> # Merge dates for a given date into a new data frame
> c = merge(a[a$dt==dt[i],),b[b$dt == dt[i],], by=c(some column));
> }
Note that only the last iteration of that loop is actually needed.
What are you really trying to do, and why are you worrying about memory?
E.g. merge() in R-devel is a lot more efficient for some operations,
including perhaps your example.
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Now, my understanding is that the data frame c in the above code is
> malloc'ed in every count of the loop. Is that assumption correct?
No. Here 'c' is just a symbol, and assignment (please use <- in
code, it is easier to read) binds the symbol to the data frame returned by
merge(). So the allocation (not 'malloc' necessarily) is going on
merge(). Also, 'c' is a system object, so you are confusing people by
using its name for your own object.
When you assign to 'c' you change the binding to a different already
allocated object. Eventually garbage collection will recover (to R) the
memory allocated to objects which are no longer bound to symbols.
I am not aware of any account which describes in detail how R works at
this level, and end users do not need to know it. (It is also the case
that R maintains a number of illusions and internally may not do what it
appears to do.)
> Is the following attempt a better way of doing things?
> ----------------------------------------------------
> a = data.frame(somedata)
> b = data.frame(somedata)
> # Pre-allocate data frame c
> c = data.frame(for some size);
> for(i in 1:nrow(dt) {
> # Merge dates for a given date into a new data frame
> # and copy the result into c
> copy(c, merge(a[a$dt==dt[i],),b[b$dt == dt[i],], by=c(some column));
> }
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Now the question is, How can I copy the merged data into my
> pre-allocated data frame c ? I tried rbind/cbind but they are pretty
> fuzzy about having the right names and dimension hence it fails.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks.
> Manoj
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Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
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