markleeds at
2006-Jun-01 19:01 UTC
[R] strange behavior when adding a day to dates
I have the following problem which seems really strange but it's more likely something that I don't understand ? The code below works in that it adds 1 day to all of the dates. ( NB : the Fcalendar package needs to be loaded for this code to run ) startDate="1992-12-31" endDate="1994-12-31" begMonthDates=timeSequencestartDate,endDate,by="months,FinCenter="GMT") print(begMonthDates) begMonthDates = begMonthDates + 24*3600 print(begMOnthDates) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Th really strange thing is that, in the code below, the dates don't change ? The code is essentially the same as above except in this case I only want to add one day to days that are not business days ? If anyone could help me with this, it would be MUCH appreciated. I've been playing with this for most of the day. ( badindices is not NULL ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- badindices=which(isBizday(begMonthDates,holidays=holiday.NYSE()) == F) print(begMonthDates[badindices]) begMonthDates[badindices]=begMonthDates[badindices] + 24*3600 print(begMonthDates[badindices])