Dear R users I need to auto scale the left y axis in the code below, so that when I scroll left or right the left y-axis scale changes to accumulate the range of the displayed data with in the max hight of the y-axis. also how can I make the crosshair horizontal since it is only vertical in this code. this code with a kind help from "Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D." just stated with tcl/tk and waiting for the book to arrive. thank you #**************** code starts **************** library(tkrplot) L <- length(myData); tt <- tktoplevel()#cursor='crosshair') left <- tclVar(1) oldleft <- tclVar(1) right <- tclVar(L) cury <- tclVar(' ') curx <- NA tmpusr <- numeric(4) tmpplt <- numeric(4) f1 <- function(){ lleft <- as.numeric(tclvalue(left)) rright <- as.numeric(tclvalue(right)) x <- seq(lleft,rright,by=1) par(bg='black', fg='green', col='white', col.axis='white', col.lab='magenta', col.main='blue', col.sub='cyan') plot(x,myData[x], type='s', ylim=range(myData)) ## par(new=TRUE) ## plot(x,myData2[x], type='s', col='yellow',axes=F) par(new=TRUE) plot(x,myData3[x], type='s', col='cyan',axes=F) axis(4) tmpusr <<- par('usr') tmpplt <<- par('plt') if(!{ abline(v=curx, col='red', lty=2) points(curx,myData[curx],pch=16,col='red') } } img <- tkrplot(tt, f1,hscale=2,vscale=1.2) tkconfigure(img, cursor='crosshair') f2 <- function(...){ ol <- as.numeric(tclvalue(oldleft)) tclvalue(oldleft) <- tclvalue(left) r <- as.numeric(tclvalue(right)) tclvalue(right) <- as.character(r + as.numeric(...) - ol) tkrreplot(img) } f3 <- function(...){ tkrreplot(img) } f4 <- function(...){ ol <- as.numeric(tclvalue(oldleft)) tclvalue(left) <- as.character(ol+10) tclvalue(oldleft) <- as.character(ol+10) r <- as.numeric(tclvalue(right)) tclvalue(right) <- as.character(r+10) tkrreplot(img) } iw <- as.numeric(tcl('image','width', tkcget(img,'-image'))) ih <- as.numeric(tcl('image','height',tkcget(img,'-image'))) mm <- function(x,Y){ tx <- (as.numeric(x)-1)/iw ty <- 1-(as.numeric(Y)-1)/ih if( tx > tmpplt[1] & tx < tmpplt[2] & ty > tmpplt[3] & ty < tmpplt[4] ){ newx <- (tx-tmpplt[1])/(tmpplt[2]-tmpplt[1])*(tmpusr[2]-tmpusr[1])+tmpusr[1] curx <<- round(newx) tkrreplot(img) newy <- myData[curx] newy <- floor(newy) + (newy-floor(newy))*32/100 # newy2 <- myData2[curx] newy3 <- myData3[curx] tclvalue(cury) <- paste('x =',curx,' myData=',round(newy,2) ,' myData3=',round(newy3,4)) } } tkbind(img, '<Motion>', mm) l1 <- tklabel(tt, textvariable=cury) s1 <- tkscale(tt, command=f2, from=1, to=length(myData), variable=left, orient="horiz",label='left',length=700) s2 <- tkscale(tt, command=f3, from=1, to=length(myData), variable=right, orient="horiz",label='right',length=700) b1 <- tkbutton(tt, text='->', command=f4) tkpack(l1,img,s1,s2,b1) #**************** code ends **************** --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]