Em Ter?a 04 Abril 2006 13:52, Dimitris Rizopoulos
escreveu:> change the number of EM iterations and try again, this has worked for
> me, some times, when I received the same error message as you did,
> i.e.,
> library(nlme)
> model <- lme(height ~ seed, random = ~ time | rep / seed, control >
list(niterEM = 10))
> However, this type of error message might imply that your model is
> over-parameterized.
> I hope it helps.
> Best,
> Dimitris
thanks, but it dont work.
model <- lme(height~seed,random=~time|rep/seed,control=list(niterEM = 10))
Erro em lme.formula(height ~ seed, random = ~time | rep/seed, control =
list(niterEM = 10)) :
iteration limit reached without convergence (9)> model <- lme(height~seed,random=~time|rep/seed,control=list(niterEM =
Erro em lme.formula(height ~ seed, random = ~time | rep/seed, control =
list(niterEM = 100)) :
iteration limit reached without convergence (9)> model <- lme(height~seed,random=~time|rep/seed,control=list(niter =
Erro em lme.formula(height ~ seed, random = ~time | rep/seed, control =
list(niter = 100)) :
iteration limit reached without convergence (9)
O oposto do amor nao e o odio e sim, a indiferenca.
-- Erico Verissimo
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