On 4/2/2006 9:38 PM, ivo welch wrote:> Dear R group: Is there a way to pass a comment line to write.table()
> or write.csv()? presumably, following linux and R conventions, it
> would be preceded by a '#' in the output.
> write.csv( object, file="object.csv", comment=paste("this
csv file was
> created by mycode.R on 12/2/2005");
> of course, the R read functions are already smart enough to ignore the
> comment lines.
Open a connection, write the comment to the connection, write the data
to the connection, close the connection.
con <- file("object.csv", open="wt")
writeLines(paste("# this csv file was created by mycode.R on
12/2/2005"), con)
write.csv( object, con)
Duncan Murdoch