hi, i want to store an lm-object in mysql and use the following command: dbSendQuery(con,paste("INSERT INTO tablename (id,name,result,result_txt,rsquared) VALUES (",x,",'",z2,"','",serialize(z1,NULL,ascii=F),"','",serialize(z1,NULL,ascii=T),"',",summary(z1)$r.squared,")",sep="")) z1 is the lm-object z2 is just as string i try to read it back: v=dbReadTable(con,"tablename") but i think the binary is stored wrong in the database and the text is too long. the binary stops on the first \n the text is too long. when i try to read it back i get dbi internal error field truncated. in the end it is not possible to restore the object with unserialize. please help me to write & read the object correctly. thank & best regards, gg -- --------------------------------------------------- Gottfried Gruber mailto:gottfried.gruber at terminal.at www: gogo.sehrsupa.net