Dear all,
I use lmer to fit a mixed effect model.It give some warnings. What can I
do about this?
Here is the function and the warning message:> model.growth.mcas5 <- lmer(response ~ monthElapsed +
+ data= mcas5, family=binomial(link="logit"),
Warning messages:
1: nlminb returned message false convergence (8)
in: LMEopt(x = mer, value = cv)
2: nlminb returned message false convergence (8)
in: LMEopt(x = mer, value = cv)
3: nlminb returned message false convergence (8)
in: LMEopt(x = mer, value = cv)
I tried to increase maximum iteration limit by adding
control=list(msMaxIter=600, maxIter=300, PQLmaxIt=100)
That seems not help.
What can I do next?
Thanks all!
Mingyu Feng
of Computer Science Tutoring Research Group
Worcester Polytechnic Institute