I would like to use survBayes function, but I have a critical error: Error in rep.default(0, int.number - 3) : not valid number of pairs in rep()! (in the italian version: Errore in rep.default(0, int.number - 3) : numero non valido di copie in rep() I have a data with 25 covariates and a status variable (censoring indicator) and only a duration time. This data is right censored. This is the code that I use: My data set: 22 variables (only dummy - binary variables) and 3500 observations. The censor is right. # Import the data multi<-read.csv("C:\\Documents and Settings\\user\\Desktop\\cambridge\\data_multilevel_canale_noleggio.csv", header=TRUE, sep=";") attach(multi) fix(multi) names(multi) a<-survBayes(Surv(durata,stato,type="right")~ESG_ATTIVAZIONI+ESG_INFO_DISCONNESSIONE+ESG_PROBLEMI_TECNICI+ESG_VARIAZIONI_CONTRATTUALI+PACCHETTO_CINEMA_CALCIO+OFFERTA_ONLY_DECODER+OFFERTA_PRONTO_SKY+ESG_GESTIONE_AMMINISTRATIVA+ESG_METODO_DI_PAGAMENTO+ESG_PROMOZIONI+PACCHETTO_CINEMA_SPORT+MOP_PO+AREA_NIELSEN_SUD_ISOLE+OFFERTA_ONLY_SMART_CARD+COMPANY_OLD_SKY_ITALIA,data=multi,burn.in=1000,number.sample=2000) The strata variables are not supported. Other functions or suggestions to run bayesian cox model with R? Many thanks, Silvia