2006-Mar-10 09:44 UTC
[R] Sweave scientific real display format (e.g. 5e-12)
Dear All, I couldn't figure and couldn't google out how to make construct a pair of \Sexpr s or a LaTeX macro that would include 5\cdot 10^{-12} into the LaTeX output istead of 5e-12 . Any ideas? Thank you G?bor
Dimitris Rizopoulos
2006-Mar-10 10:37 UTC
[R] Sweave scientific real display format (e.g. 5e-12)
you may try something along these lines: num2Latex <- function (x, digits = 0) { op <- options(scipen = -digits) on.exit(options(op)) x <- as.character(x) ind <- grep("e", x) x[ind] <- sapply(strsplit(x[ind], "e"), function(s) paste(s[1], "e", as.numeric(s[2]), sep = "")) x[ind] <- paste(gsub("e", " \\cdot 10^{", x[ind], fixed = TRUE), "}", sep = "") cat(paste(x, "\n")) } ################# z <- c(1.5, 5e-12, 2.33e-03, 8.12e+10, 2) num2Latex(z) num2Latex(z, 2) num2Latex(z, -3) I hope it helps. Best, Dimitris ---- Dimitris Rizopoulos Ph.D. Student Biostatistical Centre School of Public Health Catholic University of Leuven Address: Kapucijnenvoer 35, Leuven, Belgium Tel: +32/(0)16/336899 Fax: +32/(0)16/337015 Web: ----- Original Message ----- From: "BORGULYA G?bor" <borgulya at> To: <r-help at> Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 10:44 AM Subject: [R] Sweave scientific real display format (e.g. 5e-12) Dear All, I couldn't figure and couldn't google out how to make construct a pair of \Sexpr s or a LaTeX macro that would include 5\cdot 10^{-12} into the LaTeX output istead of 5e-12 . Any ideas? Thank you G?bor ______________________________________________ R-help at mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide! Disclaimer:
BORGULYA G?bor <borgulya <at>> writes:> I couldn't figure and couldn't google out how to make construct a pair of > \Sexpr s or a LaTeX macro that would include > 5\cdot 10^{-12} > into the LaTeX output istead of > 5e-12 .a =1.3452e-12 asp = strsplit(sprintf("%8.3g",a),"[.e]")[[1]] sprintf("%s\\cdot %s 10^{%s}",asp[1],asp[2],asp[3]) Not really elegant.... Dieter
Ken Knoblauch
2006-Mar-10 12:28 UTC
[R] Sweave scientific real display format (e.g. 5e-12)
Oops, the third line should have been: xss<-unlist(strsplit(xc,"")) to get that output but I'm missing something about escaping the backslash, since it's missing and when I double it, it doubles. I think that there has been some discussion about this on the list, if you look it up. *********************************** How about some variation on the following: x <- 5e-12 xc <- as.character(x) xss<-strsplit(xc, "") paste("$",xss[1],"\cdot ^{",xss[3],xss[4], xss[5],"}$", sep = "") [1] "$5cdot ^{-12}$" untried, of course, but maybe you could squeeze something out of it. ********************************* Dear All, I couldn't figure and couldn't google out how to make construct a pair of \Sexpr s or a LaTeX macro that would include 5\cdot 10^{-12} into the LaTeX output istead of 5e-12 . Any ideas? Thank you G?bor -- Ken Knoblauch Inserm U371 Cerveau et Vision Dept. of Cognitive Neuroscience 18 avenue du Doyen L?pine 69500 Bron France tel: +33 (0)4 72 91 34 77 fax: +33 (0)4 72 91 34 61 portable: +33 (0)6 84 10 64 10