Have you consulted Pinheiro and Bates (2000) Mixed-Effects Models in
S and S-Plus (Springer)? The MASS function "glmmPQL" translates the
problem into approximate "gaussian" terms and passes the translation
into "lme". Therefore, I would expect much of what appears in
and Bates to be accessible to you.
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spencer gravesd
Pablo Inchausti wrote:
> Hello,
> I am running (non-balanced) mixed models (using library lme4) such as :
> model1<-glmmPQL(Y~grouping variable+ covariate, random=~1|yr/month,
> data=dat, family= gaussian or poisson)
> and besides the usual output in terms of the statistical significance of
> the fitted coefficients, I'd like to obtain the adjusted means and
> deviations (as one obtains after fitting a lm model). My problem is that I
> cannot find a command equivalent to "model.table (model, grouping
> mean/sd)" that would apply to mixed models. Any suggestion would be
> appreciated.
> Thanks in advance
> Pablo
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