Without a simple, self-contained, reproducible example, it is
impossible to say for sure why "lme" did not converge for you.
if age were constant within animal, that would surely give the symptom
you describe. I might try computing the difference in the range within
subject, something like the following:
tapply(VC$Age, VC$animal, function(x)diff(range(x)))
If these numbers are all 0, that should answer your question. If
not, one must dig deeper. For example, do you get the same error with
Outcome~1, etc.?
hope this helps.
spencer graves
Margaret Gardiner-Garden wrote:
> Hi. I was wondering if anyone might have some suggestions about how I can
> overcome a problem of "iteration limit reached without
convergence" when
> fitting a mixed effects model.
> In this study:
> Outcome is a measure of heart action
> Age is continuous (in weeks)
> Gender is Male or Female (0 or 1)
> Genotype is Wild type or knockout (0 or 1)
> Animal is the Animal ID as a factor
> Gender.Age is Gender*Age
> Genotype.Age is Genotype*Age
> Gender.Genotype.Age is Gender*Genotype*Age
> If I have the intercept (but not the slope) as a random effect the fit
> converges OK
> fit1 <- lme(Outcome~Age + Gender + Genotype + Gender.Age + Genotype.Age
> Gender.Genotype.Age,
> random=~1|Animal, data=VC)
> If I have the slope (but not the intercept) as a random factor it converges
> OK
> fit2 <- lme(LVDD~Age + Gender + Genotype + Gender.Age + Genotype.Age
> +Gender.Genotype.Age,
> random=~Age-1|Animal, data=VC)
> If I have both slope and intercept as random factors it won't converge
> fit3 <- lme(LVDD~Age + Gender + Genotype + Gender.Age + Genotype.Age +
> Gender.Genotype.Age,
> random=~ Age|Animal, data=VC)
> Gives error:
> Error in lme.formula(LVDD ~ Age + Gender + Genotype + Gender.Age +
> Genotype.Age + :
> iteration limit reached without convergence (9)
> If I try to increase the number of iterations (even to 1000) by increasing
> maxIter it still doesn't converge
> fit <- lme(LVDD~Age + Gender + Genotype + Gender.Age + Genotype.Age +
> Gender.Genotype.Age,
> + random=~ Age|Animal, data=VC,
> msMaxIter=1000, niterEM=1000))
> NB. I changed maxIter value in isolation as well as together with two
> other controls with "iter" in their name (as shown above) just to
be sure (
> as I don't understand how the actual iterative fitting of the model
> mathematically)
> I was wondering if anyone knew if there was anything else in the control
> values I should try changing.
> Below are the defaults..
> lmeControl
> function (maxIter = 50, msMaxIter = 50, tolerance = 1e-06, niterEM = 25,
> msTol = 1e-07, msScale = lmeScale, msVerbose = FALSE, returnObject >
> gradHess = TRUE, apVar = TRUE, .relStep = (.Machine$double.eps)^(1/3),
> minAbsParApVar = 0.05, nlmStepMax = 100, optimMethod = "BFGS",
> natural = TRUE)
> I was reading on the R listserve that lmer from the lme4 package may be
> preferable to lme (for convergence problems) but lmer seems to need you to
> put in starting values and I'm not sure how to go about chosing them.
I was
> wondering if anyone had experience with lmer that might help me with this?
> Thanks again for any advice you can provide.
> Regards
> Marg
> Dr Margaret Gardiner-Garden
> Garvan Institute of Medical Research
> 384 Victoria Street
> Darlinghurst Sydney
> NSW 2010 Australia
> Phone: 61 2 9295 8348
> Fax: 61 2 9295 8321
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