<voodooochild <at> gmx.de> writes:
> i want to plot a count process in the following way, but i don't know
> how i can do that. i have data for example x<-(0,2,6,2,8,4,.....) and
> dates y which is a vector of weekly dates for example
> (01/01/06, 08/01/06, 15/01/06, 22/01/06, ....), now i want to plot the
> y's an the horizontal axis. On each date the count process jumps
> 1 unit, so the vertical axis is 0, 1, 2, 3, ......
> the distance between the dates is shown in vector x, so for example the
> distance between 08/01/06 and 15/01/06 should be 2. maybe i can use some
> times series functions for doing this?
If I understand you correctly, this means plotting equidistant point against
the cumulative sum. Forgetting about the dates now, this would do it.
x = floor(pmax(rnorm(30,5,2),1))
xcum = cumsum(x)