Hello, package "arules" is very well suited for mining association rules, interfacing implementations of "apriori" and "eclat". What is not realised is an implementation of the Frequent Pattern Tree (Han, J., Pei, J. and Yiwen, Y. (2000). There are several free implementations available on the net. (e.g.: http://www.csc.liv.ac.uk/~frans/KDD/Software/FPgrowth/fpGrowth.html) I would appreciate any suggestions, how theese Algorithms could be interfaced with R, or how the textual output of the frequent items could be visually represented in a tree structure by means of which data structure ?) in R. Thanks. Regards Bj??rn "Jetzt Handykosten senken mit klarmobil - 14 Ct./Min.! Hier klicken" www.klarmobil.de/index.html?pid=73025