On Tue, 13 Dec 2005, Ido M. Tamir wrote:
> Hello,
> I am not sure if I am interfacing with C correctly and _safely_
> or if there is a better way esp. with regards to terminating
> the "returned" array.
You need to pass the length to the C routine and check you do not
overwrite it. (As in the parts you -snip-ed below.)
> I am trying to fill an int array with values whose actual size
> is determined in the C function and is always maximally as large
> as length(values).
> I also don't understand the purpose of $ab in the example:
> conv <- function(a, b)
> .C("convolve",
> -snip-
> ab = double(length(a) + length(b) - 1))$ab
.C returns a list, an element for each argument after the first, named if
the arguments were named. So this selects the (copy) of the vector sent
back as the last argument of the C function.
> void testFill(int *values, int *newvalues, int* endposition ){
> newvalues[0] = 1;
> newvalues[1] = 2;
> *endposition = 2;
> }
> dyn.load("../testFill.so")
> testTestFill <- function(){
> tempfilled <- testFillC( c(30:40))
> realfilled <- tempfilled$newvalues[1:tempfilled$endposition]
> return(realfilled)
> }
> testFillC <- function(a){
> .C("testFill", as.integer(a), newvalues=integer(length(a)),
> endposition=integer(1))
> }
What do testFillC(1) or testFillC(logical(0)) do?
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
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