If you are running on a Linux system you can try an experimental
version of the Matrix package that is available from the SVN archive.
The URL is
The code in that branch uses what is called a supernodal sparse
Cholesky factorization which works very well for these types of
models. Once I get the Laplace and AGQ methods for generalized linear
mixed models working in this formulation I will merge the branch back
in to the trunk and release a version of the Matrix package using
I haven't created a Windows binary for this experimental branch
because I still can't get the compilation system to work on my Windows
computer. If someone wants to try compiling on Windows from the SVN
sources I would appreciate it.
On 12/9/05, Dick Beyer <dbeyer at u.washington.edu>
wrote:> I have been using lme from nlme to do a 3-way anova with all the effects
treated as random. I was wondering if someone could direct me to an example of
how to do this using lmer from lme4.
> I have 3 main effects, tim, trt, ctr, and all the interaction effects
tim*trt*ctr. The response variable is ge.
> Here is my lme code:
> dat <-
> dat$grp = as.factor(rep(1, nrow(dat)))
> # dim(dat) = 216x5
> w <- lme(ge ~ 1,data=dat,
> random = list(
> grp = pdBlocked(list( pdIdent(~ trt - 1)
> ,pdIdent(~ tim - 1)
> ,pdIdent(~ ctr - 1)
> ,pdIdent(~ trt:tim - 1)
> ,pdIdent(~ trt:ctr - 1)
> ,pdIdent(~ tim:ctr - 1)
> ,pdIdent(~ trt:tim:ctr - 1)
> )
> )
> )
> )
> I was trying the following as a starting place:
> lmer(ge~1+(1|tim)+(1|trt)+(1|ctr), data=dat)
> but this causes my R session to terminate.
> > sessionInfo()
> R version 2.2.0, 2005-11-15, i386-pc-mingw32
> attached base packages:
> [1] "methods" "stats" "graphics"
"grDevices" "utils" "datasets"
> other attached packages:
> lme4 lattice Matrix
> "0.98-1" "0.12-11" "0.99-2"
> Thanks very much for any help or pointers,
> Dick
> Richard P. Beyer, Ph.D. University of Washington
> Tel.:(206) 616 7378 Env. & Occ. Health Sci. , Box 354695
> Fax: (206) 685 4696 4225 Roosevelt Way NE, # 100
> Seattle, WA 98105-6099
> http://depts.washington.edu/ceeh/ServiceCores/FC5/FC5.html
> http://staff.washington.edu/~dbeyer
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