Sorry, trying to change the unicode. Dear R-list I have been trying to make survreg fit a normal regression model with left truncated data, but unfortunately I am not able to figure out how to do it. The following survreg-call seems to work just fine when the observations are right censored: library(survival) n<-100000 #censored observations x<-rnorm(n) y<-rnorm(n,mean=x) d<-data.frame(x,y) d$ym<-pmin(y,0.5) d$c<-ifelse(d$ym==0.5,0,1) s<-survreg(Surv(ym,c)~x, dist="gaussian",data=d) The truncated observations can be fitted with the following naive code. Being able to use survreg (or similar) would however be great. #trucated observations d$c<-0.1 e<-d[d$y>d$c,] e$cc<-1 #ss<-survreg(Surv(time=c,time2 =y,event=cc,type="right")~x, dist="gaussian",data=e) a<-function(x,y,alpha=0,beta=1 ,sigma=1,s) { sum( log((dnorm(y,mean=alpha+beta*x,sd=sigma^2)/(1-pnorm(q=s,mean=alpha+beta*x,sd=sigma^2)))) ) } ll<-function(x,y,alpha=0,beta=1,sigma=1,s) { aa<-function(z){a(z[1],z[2],alpha=alpha,beta=beta,sigma=sigma,s=s)} v<-apply(cbind(x,y),1,aa) sum(v) } logl<-function(pars) { -a(x=e$x,y=e$y,alpha=pars[1],beta=pars[2],sigma=pars[3],s=0.1) } ss<-optim(c(0,0,1),logl) print(s) print(ss) Thx for any help Per Jensen [[alternative HTML version deleted]]