I tried to reinstall the package. but my R version is too old.
dj@ubuntu:~$ sudo R CMD INSTALL -l /usr/lib/R/library
ERROR: This R is version 2.1.1
package 'lattice' needs R >= 2.2.0
So, *my question being, how do I upgrade from R version *R >= 2.2.0
*> to R *2.1.1* and keep all of my libraries intact? *
On 11/9/05, jia ding <dingjia@gmail.com> wrote:>
> I first try these command, it works quite well.
> library(lattice)
> data(cuckoos)
> levnam <- strsplit(levels(cuckoos$species), "\\.")
> BUT, i want to try :
> levnam <- strsplit(levels(cuckoos$species), ".")
> to see the difference.
> They maybe I modified the data file, because when I try again, it says:
> > data(cuckoos)
> Warning message:
> data set 'cuckoos' not found in: data(cuckoos)
> would you please tell me how to deal with this problem?
> I have already tried update.packages()
> it doesn't help.
> Thanks.
> DJ
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